R+V CEO Rollinger new President of German Insurance Association
Norbert Rollinger is the new President of the German Insurance Association (GDV). The Presiding Board elected the Management Board Chairman of R+V Versicherung AG to head the association.

The new GDV President Norbert Rollinger (right) and GDV Chief Executive Officer Jörg Asmussen
Rollinger (58) was previously head of GDV's Presiding Committee on Risk Protection for Society and the Economy. He succeeds Wolfgang Weiler, who is handing over the reins after five years as GDV President and stepping down from the Presiding Board.
"Wolfgang Weiler successfully steered GDV through the Corona pandemic, highlighted the issue of sustainability as a core element of our business model and, last but not least, implemented the personnel renewal of the Association," Rollinger said. "For this, he deserves the express thanks of the member companies."
The GDV Presiding Board, which acts as the Association's management board under association law, will in the future be composed of the following members after the end of the general assembly:
- Dr Norbert Rollinger*: President; Management Board Chairman, R+V Versicherung AG, Wiesbaden
- Jörg Asmussen: Chief Managing Director and Managing Member
- Dr. Wolfgang Breuer: Management Board Chairman, Provinzial Holding AG, Münster
- Katja de la Viña: Management Board Chairwoman, Allianz Lebensversicherungs-AG, Stuttgart
- Dr. Andreas Eurich: Management Board Chairman, Barmenia Versicherungen, Wuppertal; Management Board Chairman of Arbeitgeberverband der Versicherungsunternehmen in Deutschland e.V., Munich
- Klaus-Jürgen Heitmann: Management Board Spokesman, HUK-COBURG Insurance Group, Coburg
- Jürgen A. Junker: Management Board Chairman, Wüstenrot & Württembergische AG, Stuttgart
- Dr Christoph Jurecka: Management Board Member, Münchener Rückversicherungs-Gesellschaft AG, Munich
- Dr Ralf Kantak: Management Board Chairman, Süddeutsche Krankenversicherung a. G., Fellbach; Management Board Chairman of Verband der Privaten Krankenversicherung e.V., Cologne
- Monika Köstlin: Executive Management Board Member, Association of Mutual Insurance Companies; Kieler Rück VVaG, Kiel
- Stefan Lehmann: Management Board Chairman, Generali Deutschland AG, Munich
- Giovanni Liverani: Management Board Chairman, Generali Beteiligungs-GmbH, Aachen
- Gerhard Müller: Management Board Chairman, Sparkassen-Versicherung Sachsen, Dresden
- Dr Edgar Puls: Management Board Chairman, HDI Global SE, Hanover
- Dr Markus Rieß: Management Board Chairman, ERGO Group AG, Düsseldorf
- Dr Klaus-Peter Röhler: Management Board Chairman, Allianz Deutschland AG, and Management Board Member of Allianz SE, Munich
- Dr Thilo Schumacher: Management Board Chairman, AXA Konzern AG, Cologne
- Dr Frank Walthes: Management Board Chairman, Versicherungskammer Bayern, Munich
*N. Rollinger is a member of the Presiding Board both as an elected member and by virtue of his office as Chairman of the Presiding Committee on Risk Protection for Society and the Economy (PRGW). He will not stand for re-election as PRGW Chairman in November 2022. The new chairperson of the PRGW will then additionally join the Presiding Board by virtue of office in November.