Insurers expect more attacks by hackers due to the Ukraine war
Germany could see more attacks from the web because of the war in Ukraine, insurers say. And a recent survey shows that Germany's small and medium-sized enterprises (SME) also expect more cyber-attacks from Russia.

Die Versicherer warnen vor zunehmenden Hackerattacken aus Russland.
Germany's insurers fear an increase in cyber-attacks on the German economy because of the Ukraine war. “The longer the war in Ukraine goes on, the more likely it is that German companies get targeted by hackers from Russia”, explained Jörg Asmussen, CEO of the German Insurance Association (GDV).
While the insurers had not yet registered an increase in claims since the start of the war 100 days ago, they did see a much higher risk, he said. “There is not only the danger of targeted attacks on individual companies but also the risk of broad-based attacks, for example through malware contained in mass e-mails”, Asmussen said.
Germany's insurers fear an increase in cyber-attacks on the German economy because of the Ukraine war. “The longer the war in Ukraine goes on, the more likely it is that German companies get targeted by hackers from Russia”, explained Jörg Asmussen, CEO of the German Insurance Association (GDV).
While the insurers had not yet registered an increase in claims since the start of the war 100 days ago, they did see a much higher risk, he said. “There is not only the danger of targeted attacks on individual companies but also the risk of broad-based attacks, for example through malware contained in mass e-mails”, Asmussen said.