Secure digital identities are indispensable for the networked world
The European Commission proposes the introduction of a European digital identity (EUid) for natural and legal persons. Insurers support this plan.

A system of secure digital identities is indispensable for the further progress of digitisation.
Secure and trustworthy digital identities will make an essential contribution to the success of digitisation. The amendment of the eIDAS Regulation (electronic Identification, Authentication and trust Services) and the associated introduction of an EUid are aimed at strengthening this across borders in Europe and establishing a European ecosystem. Since not all member states currently offer electronic identity (eID), the reform will require them to provide their citizens and legal entities with a so-called "digital wallet." This should make it possible to link national digital identities with proof of other personal attributes (e.g., driver license, degree certificates, bank account, etc.) and store them in a decentralised fashion on mobile devices. Wallets may be provided by public authorities as well as by private entities, provided they are recognised by a member state. While the use of the EUid is voluntary, Article 12b(2) of the draft provides that undertakings that are required by national or Union law to use strong user authentication for online identification also accept the use of the EUid.
The insurance industry has long advocated the establishment of a European barrier- and discrimination-free ecosystem for digital identities. In doing so, it emphasises the integration of different identification methods while maintaining the same level of trust and equally high user-friendliness.