EU Commission sets an important signal for competitiveness The EU falls behind other economic areas such as the US and China in terms of its economic competitiveness, not at least due to a significant reporting burden. The Omnibus Simplification Package intends to relief this burden for EU businesses. (more) Media release Regulation Last update date: 26/02/2025
Solvency II: Technical specifications must support the industry's competitiveness The hearing in the European Parliament's ECON Committee on Solvency II focuses on the technical details of the delegated regulations. Article Regulation Last update date: 19/02/2025
GDV on Commission Work Programme: Opportunities for relief, FiDA remains problematic The EU Commission is focusing on competitiveness with its 2025 Work Programme. GDV sees this as an important step. Media release Regulation Last update date: 12/02/2025
GDV criticises EIOPA proposals on proportionality framework The proposals of the European Insurance and Occupational Pensions Authority are overly bureaucratic and do not take into account the diversity of EU markets. Media release Regulation Last update date: 03/02/2025
EU Competitiveness Compass: Insurers call for better investment conditions and fewer reporting requirements The GDV is in favour of targeted steps to realise the Savings and Investment Union and to reduce reporting obligations. Media release Regulation Last update date: 30/01/2025
Legal Notice This is the GDV website. All content of the website has been carefully prepared and researched. This information is provided as a service of GDV. Last update date: 30/01/2025
Strong commitment - German insurers leading on sustainable transition Long-term economic success depends on an intact climate and natural environment. German review their progress in an annual sustainability report. Article Sustainability Climate Last update date: 27/01/2025
Insurers support Omnibus Simplification Package for more efficient sustainability reporting In the context of the Omnibus Simplification Package, GDV is calling for the focus to be placed on high-quality data rather than a multitude of data. Media release Regulation Sustainability Last update date: 21/01/2025