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Next stop simplification - the first Omnibus

Host: GDV Location: GDV Brussels, Rue du Champ de Mars 23, 1050 Brussels Time: 06/03/25 - 10:00 am
06/03/25 In person

Next stop simplification - the first Omnibus Copy link

With her Competitiveness Compass, European Commission President, Ursula von der Leyen, outlined the direction for this legislative term. A core element of the President’s vision is simplifying the EU regulatory environment and enhancing its efficiency to foster competitiveness and growth. The European Commission’s recently presented Annual Work Programme translates this vision into action. Among other important initiatives, the Work Programme introduces a set of “Omnibus” packages aimed at regulatory efficiency and simplification.

The first of these Omnibusses is expected to be published soon. This provides an opportunity to explore expectations and perhaps offer an early glimpse into the future direction of the European Commission’s ambitions.

Speakers Copy link

  • Lucie Rousselle - Cabinet of Commissioner McGrath
  • Dr. Christoph Jurecka - CFO, MunichRe
  • Thea Utoft Jensen - Director General, Insurance Europe


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