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Retail Investment Strategy: Time to change to a behavioral economics perspective?

Host: GDV Location: Radisson RED Hotel, Rue d’italie 35, 1050 Brussels, Belgium Time: 11/01/24 - 12:00 pm
11/01/24 On-Site-Event

Retail Investment Strategy: Time to change to a behavioral economics perspective? Copy link

It is time to take a step back from the often-controversial political discussions on the Retail Investment Strategy (RIS) and bring in insights from behavioral economics on the less discussed issues. For the RIS to be successful, we must find answers to questions such as “What is effective transparency? How can consumer information be modernised? What can financial literacy deliver and how can it be implemented?” 


Panellists Copy link


  • Alexandra Jour-Schroeder – DG FISMA, Deputy Director General
  • Juan Luis Cordero Tarifa – Ministry of the Economy Spain
  • Chiara Monticone – OECD, Senior Policy Analyst
  • Ralf Berndt – Stuttgarter Lebensversicherung a.G, Member of the Management Board


  • Jennifer Baker


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