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#GDVlive: Shaping the Future of Finance – Deep Dive into FIDA

Wer: GDV Wo: Livebroadcast on gdv.de Wann: 07.11.23 - 14:00 Uhr
07.11.23 Online-Event

Shaping the Future of Finance – Deep Dive into FIDA Link kopieren

With this event, we would like to focus on the potentials and possible risks of the new proposed framework for access to financial data from the perspective of insurers. We will discuss the most important aspects of the proposal, such as its scope, the proposed Financial Data Sharing Schemes, reciprocity of data sharing, compensation, protection of trade secrets and securing level-playing field between all players in the new ecosystem, as well as the practical side of Open Finance.

The event will be held in the form of a question and answer session. Interested stakeholders will have the opportunity to ask questions about FIDA, ahead of the event, but also during the webinar. 


  • Jan Ceyssens
    Head of Unit Digital Finance, European Commission DG FISMA
  • Jens Gammelmark
    Director Product & Digital Offering, PFA Pension
  • © GDV/Christian Kruppa
    Judith Storm
    Coordination Officer Digitalization, German Insurance Association (GDV)
  • © Jennifer Baker
    Jennifer Baker

Poll on LinkedIn Link kopieren

What is most needed in Europe for data sharing to work in financial sector? 

  • A legal obligation to share data 
  • An appropriate infrastructure 
  • Consumers’ willingness to share their personal data 
  • Industry’s readiness to open the data they hold

You can post your questions now or during the webinar on LinkedIn

